Frequently Asked Questions

  • James Bond Film News (JBFN) is a dedicated entertainment news platform offering all the latest updates on the upcoming film Bond 26.

    Established 009 years ago in 2016, JBFN positioned itself as the only platform to solely focus on the next film. All news and sources are fact-checked before publication to ensure the highest quality.

    For more information visit our About page.

  • Feel free to use our contact form or email us at and we’ll respond within 24 hours. You can also message us on our Twitter, Instagram and Facebook channels.

  • Yes we recently introduced a monthly newsletter that will be emailed directly to your inbox. You may sign up at the footer of our website.

    We ensure that our newsletter is GDPR compliant and you are free to unsubscribe at any time using the link in the email.

  • To hear the news exactly as it happens follow our social channels on Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. For long-form content that takes a deeper look into a story simply visit this website and click on ‘Bond 26 News’ on the menu.

  • Yes that’s right. All of our news articles are specifically about Bond 26. Recently we also began writing original feature articles that expand on our Bond 26 updates and invite interesting discussions for fans.

  • No we will never directly post spoilers on our social media or website. Any links leading to potential spoiler territory shall be marked with a clear *SPOILERS* label.

    What constitutes as a ‘spoiler’ varies from person to person but ultimately it’ll have to be our decision as to what is or isn’t acceptable to share. To be on the safe side of things, we’ll refrain from directly mentioning anything that will give away the beats of the story. Therefore if we don’t cover a large spoiler in the news bear in mind it is an intentional decision to not ruin your enjoyment of the final film.

  • You may recognise us from our former Twitter handles @Bond25Film and @NO_TIME_TO_DIE.

  • Yes, please give credit and link back to JBFN as the source when using our content on your website.

  • Yes, please fill in our contact form or email us at